Day 40

June 17th, 2019

Woke up at 3:30 AM and had oatmeal and got on the water by 5 AM.  We did a short stretch across Keg Lake and portaged a set of rapids into Drinking.  We did a stretch across Drinking to the next rapids and portaged. We stopped for nuts/pemmican afterwards.  We continued across another lake and got turned around for a second. We saw our first paddlers of the trip and some members wanted to paddle over and say hello.  I did not! We continued to Drope Lake and ran into Stanley Rapids which had a boat ramp you could drag your boat over.

We did PB&J there and talked about slowing down or continuing at our own pace.  We chose to slow down…for now. We did a stretch to a cool church in Stanley Mission in hopes they had a LCBO – they did not.  Sad. We did another stretch up a lake and camped at 4:00 PM. We had our Mac for dinner. Quinn and Ax had to repack the lunch after a massive PB explosion. Paul then checked his and he, as well, found one.  It took us about an hour to repack it. We did a small map session to reconsider going slower or making a decision tomorrow. We hit the tents around 9 PM.



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