Bayahibe, Dominican Republic
St. Lawrence University
Paul Beach's quiet determination and sneaky smarts worked to transform all of our Arctic dreams into a reality more fantastic than anything we ever imagined. Paul stays out of the spotlight and keeps a low profile, allowing others the chance to speak their minds before espousing his own measured opinions, which ultimately sways many decisions. Paul is a true lover of paddling and pranks. He will always keep you guessing.
Avon CO
Tulane University
Thanks to Axel, the trip has checklists, rotations, and a strong overarching structure. He meets the most demanding parts of the trip with hungry enthusiasm and mettle. In Axel, you'll find a deep reverence for humanity and natural beauty which is best illustrated by his writing. He once wrote, "the birds sang as if the balance of the world hinged upon their melodies." We could not imagine doing this trip without him.
Avon CO
Tulane University
If canoe tripping was a videogame, the avatar on the front of the box would be a shirtless Bram Lloyd triple loading a wannigan, Duluth packs, and canoe over a Jackpine deadfall on a mungy portage trail.
Bram, however, offers much more than muscle. An ambassador of balance, he exhibits a rare marriage of gentleness and strength, thoughtfulness and action. His deeds speak for him, but he has no problem saying what needs to be said. Capable and charming, he would be on most people's shortlist for any long wilderness expedition. We are fortunate to have him with us as he orients all who walk with him true North.
Chicago IL
Depauw University
Quinn loves taking his time with everything he does. You can count on him swimming and airing out all his gear as soon as we get to campsites. He especially takes his time when voting, he evaluates everyone's opinions before casting his vote(s), so he can try and make all parties happy. He is the reason there has been such little conflict on the trip.
Cincinnati OH
Mount St. Joseph University
James Knoll or Turbo as we call him is a first ballot hall of fame, canoe tripping all-star. A man who refuses to comprehend any notion of patience or the pleasures of infrequent lackadaisical progress. The only passivity James possesses comes in the form of aggression. One may catch a few syllables of James muttering things under his breath such as, "can we go?, my whole thing is, honestly, in my eyes, and well back in Cincinnati." James uses all 159lbs and every inch of his 5'9 frame in each stroke through the water and step on the trail. A man who opts not to read literature because it distracts from the age-old pastime of wood collection. James is strong, energetic, authentic, sneakily sweet, and remarkably humorous. He is the motor of our expedition. We feel this haiku sums up James nicely.
Jimmy Turbo Knoll
Is essential to our trip
But don't tell him that
Avon CO
Depauw University
While we are all explorers at heart, Zach's enthusiasm for discovery and adventure is genuinely impressive. When most elect to rest after a long day, Zach can usually be found taking photos or walking around the campsite. Zach has taken charge of the videography of our trip, including the daunting task of teaching the rest of us how to correctly use the camera equipment. Always inquisitive, his questions and conversations are mostly responsible for the days discourse, bringing an often well-needed change of outlook for the less curious among us.